Accreditation: The Process

Parents and other stakeholders within the Zion family conducted a thorough self-study. All facets of the school were evaluated based on 15 over-arching standards. Upon completion of this study, a visiting team of professionals reviewed the results, interviewed parents and staff members, and met with the principal. This team created a written report that identified areas of strength within Zion’s ministry and areas where improvement is necessary. Zion met all essential benchmarks and 96% of the overall benchmarks. In January of 2017, the school became “Exemplary Accreditation”. The unfinished benchmarks have been placed into a school improvement plan. This plan must be completed over the next five years.

Accreditation: The Promise

The study and process of accreditation helped parents, faculty members, and the administration gain in-depth knowledge about the school. Now, Zion is better prepared to build on its strengths and address its weaknesses. The process was a challenge, but most certainly revitalizing. Through accreditation, Zion Lutheran School will more effectively be able to zero in on its mission, to plan for its vision, and put into practice policies and programs that will help reach more families with the saving message of the gospel.

View Our Accreditation Action Plan Here