Sunday Morning Bible Study—9:15am in Fellowship Hall

Click here to download study guide. Click on image to join online.

BASIC BIBLE CHRISTIANITY CLASS On Tue, Jun 4 at 6:30 pm we will begin our summer session of “Basic Bible Christianity,” our Bible Information Class. This class is open to everyone, but geared for those who would like an introduction to the Christian faith and our church. We will study what the Bible has to say about things like the nature of God, baptism, death and heaven, a Christian and his government, and other basic teachings of the Christian faith. Those who complete the fourteen-lesson class are welcome to become members of Zion, but are not obligated to do so. Pastors Schwartz and Zuberbier will take turns teaching each study. Times are flexible week to week, to accommodate busy summer schedules. If you have family or friends who might be interested, please contact either pastor or invite them and offer to join us.

Friday Bible Breakfast

Food for both body and soul - that's what Bible Breakfast is all about. We customarily meet in the church fellowship hall Friday mornings at 6:00 for a light breakfast, Bible study and discussion.

CLICK HERE FOR current Study Guide