Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened

Advent by Candlelight 2024

Registration online below.

Each attendee registers individually. Please fill out the form below to attend or to serve as a table hostess.

Whether you are hosting a table or are looking for a table to join, we warmly welcome you to attend. You have a place with us.

All ladies, Zion members and guests, grades 7 and older are welcome to attend Advent by Candlelight on Saturday, Dec7 at 6:00 pm.  We are hosting a Christ-centered program for any women you would like to invite in preparation for the holiday season.

Register here between Nov3 - Dec1. If you are willing to host a table or provide a dessert or appetizer, indicate that when you register. Hostesses provide table settings, holiday decorations, and candles for a table of eight ladies. For more information on attending or hosting, please call or email Ruth Becraft 608 698 0831 or

Fellowship hall opens on Dec7 at 5:30 pm for fellowship and to view tables. Program will start at 6:00 pm.

There is no charge for this event.