It’s Good to Gather

Thank you for being a part of Zion! We appreciate that God brought you into our church! This fall our Good to Gather campaign is an effort to remind us all that it is a great idea to get together as a church community. Don’t be surprised if you get invited to join Bible study after church in the upcoming weeks, get invited to meet up with another church family, are asked to be a guest this fall at our awesome school just across the parking lot, get a call from another member to meet up for coffee and catch up, or are asked to fill out a survey to hear your input on Zion. Better yet, take the initiative! Invite someone to church, Bible study, a coffee catch up, school or church events, a BBQ, anything! Let’s be together and encourage each other in our faith. Worshipping together is such a blessing. It’s so good to gather!


On Monday, Aug 26, a survey about worship life at Zion as well as a possible mission trip sponsored by our congregation will be sent out. Please look for it in your email inbox and take five minutes to fill it out. If you would prefer, there are surveys set out on tables in the fellowship hall for you to fill out by hand. Thank you for your interest in and input on our ministry!

If you have not filled out a survey, but would like to, click on this HERE.

GOOD TO GATHER: An Encouragement Campaign for Zion Lutheran Church is a church-wide effort in September and October of 2024 to contact, listen to, and encourage each member of our church to greater love for and involvement in our congregation’s worship life and ministry.